Identity and address
Sigma Alimentos Corporativo, SA de CV with address at Av. Gómez Morín # 1111 Col. Carrizalejo CP 66254 San Pedro, Garza García, NL, Mexico is responsible for the processing of personal data collected in compliance with the Federal Data Protection Law Personal in Possession of Individuals notifies this Privacy Notice.

In the collection of personal data we follow all the principles established by law (art. 6): Legality, quality, consent, information, purpose, loyalty, proportionality and responsibility. Sigma Alimentos Corporativo, SA de CV is responsible for the treatment of all personal data collected by Sigma Alimentos, SA de CV or any of its subsidiaries, who act as managers.
Personal data subject to treatment
For the provision of our services we can collect (i) personal identification data, address, telephone, email, federal taxpayer registry (RFC), unique population registry key (CURP), (ii) patrimonial, financial, academic data , labor and third parties, and (iii) ideological and health data (sensitive).
The information is collected by various means:
  • Interviews, paper, telephone and / or electronic means.
  • Visits to our websites and / or promotional sites.
  • When you use our services.
  • From legally available public sources.
Your personal information will be used for the following purposes:
  • Recruitment and staff selection.
  • Staff Administration
  • Management of payroll
  • Use of the Job Bank
  • Prevention of occupational hazards
  • Medical history
  • Socio-economic, psychometric and / or medical evaluations.
  • Fulfillment of obligations derived from commercial operations in which you are a party.
  • Internal management solely and exclusively in the event of an employment relationship between the parties.
  • Identification purposes for the provision of the services requested or provided by us.
In no case will any personal data collected be used other than those indicated here, unless there is a change in this Privacy Notice.
The Owner accepts that their data be transferred to third parties, respecting at all times the purposes set forth in this Notice and in the following cases:
  • When the transfer is provided for in a Law or Treaty to which Mexico is a party;
  • When the transfer is necessary for the prevention or medical diagnosis, the provision of health care, medical treatment or the management of health services;
  • When the transfer is made to companies
  • controllers, subsidiaries or affiliates under the common control of the person in charge, or to a parent company or any company of the same group of the person in charge that operates under the same internal processes and policies;
  • When the transfer is necessary by virtue of a contract entered into or to be entered into in the interest of the owner, the person responsible and a third party;
  • When the transfer is necessary or legally required to safeguard a public interest, or for the administration or administration of justice;
  • When the transfer is necessary for the recognition, exercise or defense of a right in a judicial process, and
  • When the transfer is necessary for the maintenance or fulfillment of a legal relationship between the controller and the owner.
Social networks
Social networks (such as Facebook and Twitter among others) constitute a communication and interconnection platform between digital platforms of the different users, they are alien to Sigma and, therefore, the data processing is not under its responsibility. of the users will be governed by the conditions provided in the terms and conditions of the corresponding social network, which is why access to the privacy policy and conditions of use is recommended. Sigma may require the following personal information through social networks: name, address, telephone number, RFC and email in order to identify you.
Use of cookies
The cookies used on Sigma's websites do not collect personal information from users. The visitor can configure their browser to accept or reject all cookies by default. If you wish to disable them, consult the help section of your browser.
How do we protect Personal Data?
In compliance with current regulations, once you provide your Personal Data, we declare that these will be kept indefinitely in different secure means that technology allows.

Personal Data will be protected administratively, technically and physically to prevent loss, misuse or unauthorized access, publication, modification or destruction of the personal data that you have provided to us.
ARCO rights, limitations and revocations
To exercise your ARCO Rights, you should contact the email at the Personal Data Department at the following address: Gómez Morín No. 1111 Col. Carrizalejo San Pedro Garza. García, NL, CP 66254.
You may also, through this means, express your refusal to the treatment and transfer of your Personal Data, as well as revoke the consent to the treatment and the limitation to the use or disclosure of the same.
To be accepted, the ARCO application must contain and accompany the provisions of Article 29 of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties:
  1. The name of the Holder and address or other means to communicate the response to your request,
  2. The documents that prove the identity or, where appropriate, the legal representation of the Holder,
  3. The clear and precise description of the personal data with respect to which one seeks to exercise any of the aforementioned rights, and
  4. Any other element or document that facilitates the location of personal data.
We will respond to your request which we will inform you through the means of contact that you request, within a maximum period of 20 days, counted from the date on which the request for access, rectification, cancellation or opposition was received, to indicate the determination adopted, so that, if appropriate, it becomes effective within the 15 days following the date on which the response is communicated. The aforementioned terms may be extended only once for an equal period, as long as the circumstances of the case justify it.
The responses to the ARCO Requests will be delivered to the owner of the data or to their legal representative in simple copies or in electronic files according to the type and quantity of documents in each case.
Changes to the Privacy Notice
Sigma, at any time, may make the necessary modifications to adapt, update, improve or address new legal provisions, to this Privacy Notice.

Changes or updates to this Privacy Notice will be published on this website, so, for your safety, check the content of this Privacy Notice at regular intervals.